Bushfires, Floods and your water, and Coronavirus (COVID-18) strategies.

Author: Ian Blair Hamilton, Founder, Alkaway

We’ve kept this report in basic form. Now is not the time for fancy graphics. Our message is what is important and we suggest you print this off and share it, or pass it on via email or facebook to your friends. We look at the problems that we have right now with our water supplies. This relates to (in particular) the results of fire and flood in New South Wales and Queensland although it will most likely relate very soon to West Australia. We then take a look at CoronaVirus and water.


The bushfires that we have experienced so far have been catastrophic.
 Vast areas of bushland have been decimated.

We know – and have experienced the results in the form of the huge smoke and ash curtains that have sent thousands of people to the doctors or to hospitals for respiratory complaints. However – what we have not considered is the fact that ash from fires is a form of oxide. It’s an oxide of everything it has burnt. It burns a house or a galvanized tank or a car or a road the minerals and the toxins in those materials ascend into our atmosphere – just like the smoke from a burning tree.

Anyone who has a swimming pool in Sydney would have seen the effect of this in the surface of their pool which became black and discoloured through ash falling. Layne Beachley, the champion woman surfer described it as surreal when she surfed in Sydney last week and became covered with ash. ash was all over the surface of the sea. While this may appear to be a cosmetic problem, it is far more than that, because the ash is also falling into all of our absolutely essential water storage areas – the places we get our drinking water from. We have no idea of the makeup of the toxins in the ash and yet we have to continue to supply people with drinking water.

That is problem number one. Problem number 2 is waiting in the wings.

Problem number 2 is the vast amount of ash and loose soil now on the ground in all of the burnt areas which feed our water catchment areas. Ash acts like a sponge, soaking up water and converting to a huge amount of debris in fine form – ready to be washed into our catchment areas. All it needed (according to a university expert) was a minimum of 50 mil of rainfall in those burnt areas that feed the catchments to start a flow of water into the catchments – and that water will contain the ash. It will also contain an enormous amount of organic matter because the ground surface of all of the burnt areas now has nothing to protect it, nothing to hold it from being washed down into the Reservoir.

These last weeks have seen this happen..

Far more than the 50mm the expert suggested was the tipping point, and already we have seen water safety notices from Sydney Water. This doesn’t mean that only Sydney has problems. It simply means that the problems we are aware of so far have happened in Sydney’s water supply. When this occurs there is another problem. We call it turbidity. It relates to the increase in the amount of dissolved and undissolved solids in the water. Even if that organic matter was not of itself harmful, it still places a huge load on the water purification system. Before it even chlorinates the water, the water authority has to allow it to settle to reduce this turbidity so that relatively clean water can be passed on to the next step, chlorination. When turbidity is high (and it is very high at the moment). the efficiency of the water process suffers. It is already double normal in Newcastle.

The only methods that they have to overcome this problem is chemical.

There are no other methods. They have to increase dosages of chlorine. (I can remember taking a shower during the last drought breathing in the chlorine gas it was not an experience I would like to repeat!) If you`re using the water for your garden and it has excess chlorine you’ll kill everything in the soil. If you`re trying to cook or make your coffee with the water you`ll find it affects every recipe you have – and yet it is the only thing the water authority can do. And of course, chemicals do not remove parasites. They kill them and their dead bodies flow on. Let’s not forget the “Usual Suspects’’ Nothing has really changed in our ‘normal’ contaminants that – even with no bushfires – mean we already get a chemical cocktail of chlorine, chloramines and fluoride. Add to that local chemical cocktail ingredients like arsenic, PFOAs, nitrates, lead, heavy metals, residual pharmaceuticals . each one of them a big reason to own a water filter.

 Problem 5: Flood Water Mixing

Very few people really understand a virus – what it is, how it moves, how it can exist seemingly inert on a surface.

I’d suggest, given the situation, that it might be a good time to do a little self-education. Knowing what it does and does not do is far better than the fear of ignorance, and then listening to the usual crazy Facebook theories. We can take some succour from the fact that CV transfers are not unlike influenza. The way we protect ourselves from influenza are the ways we can protect ourselves from CV. And of course, the 20x fatality of CV over influenza is a big reason to take precautions.

Since 2000, My wife and I have only had colds twice. Both cold events happened when we were overseas and could not access the water we usually drink. What is it in this water that gave us the gift of 20 years of high immunity? And did it? Really? We can’t say. That would make it a medical claim, and we are not qualified to make that leap. (What`s more, there`s a million dollar fine for doing so.) Until only a few years ago, we thought that it was because the water was alkaline. Today, thanks to some amazing path-finding scientists, we know it’s molecular hydrogen. Even in the small amounts, our early water filter ionizers gave us, it seemed to affect our health.

But last week I happened upon a patent for a molecular hydrogen product that claimed relief from the common cold. As most of us know, that’s a pretty big claim. Then another surprise: buried within the patent details was a claim that it could be effective against COVID-18: CoronaVirus.Proof? No. Worth a look? Certainly! So what does this all mean? To me, it means I continue to use a water filter that kills or excludes viruses. And I continue to drink water that has appeared to help me and my partner for the last two decades to maintain a level of health none of our local friends seem to have achieved. We are not making any claims about whether it will or will not protect you from COVID-18. We are simply suggesting that based on our past experience, on the science of molecular hydrogen (over 1000 studies) and on what we have read and observed so far, that we are very grateful to be able to access hydrogen water every day of our lives.
